Augusta - 706-860-4820 | Aiken - 803-648-3664

Payroll FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions about our payroll and paycheck processes. Simply click on the questions to see the full details. If you are unclear about our processes, please call us.

Where do I access my paystubs and/or W2?

We have provided a portal to access both of your paystubs and W2(s). Please follow all of the instructions on this page.

How do I fill out a time slip?

Please visit our time slip 101 section of this website.

When is my time slip due?

Time slips are due by 8 a.m. each Monday for hours worked the previous week. A mail slot is provided in our entrance for convenient access after hours and over the weekend. Email or fax is also available for you to send your time slips to us. We will not process incomplete or unsigned time slips.

How do I turn in my time slip?

You can get your time slip to Augusta Staffing by one using the following methods:
1) Scan and email it to for Augusta, and for Aiken
2) During off-hours and during the weekends, drop it off in the mail slot provided to you on our front door.
3) Fax it to 706.860.4871 for Augusta or 803.649.0195 for Aiken.

I can't pick up my check. What are my options?

If you are not able to pick up your check on Friday, we will mail it to your address that we have on file for you. You may send someone to get your check for you, as long as you call ahead of time and let us know. We will need to see a government issued picture I.D. for whoever you send to pick up your check.

How do I adjust my Deductions / Withholding?

You can adjust your deductions and withholding at any time during your employment with Augusta Staffing. Any changes should be applied to the paycheck after you submit the new W-4. To fill out a new W-4, come in to our office, or download one here and fax it to (706) 860-4871 for Augusta, and (803) 649-0195 for Aiken.

Download a new W-4
View "How to adjust my withholding" information on

What do I do if I lost my check?

Contact us immediately and let us know. You must fill out a Stop Payment form and turn that into our office. Once the form has been processed, we will issue a new check. Call as soon as you know you have destroyed or misplaced your check, and we'll get this process started.

What if I lost my VISA Payroll card?

If you need a new card altogether, please stop by our office and we'll be glad to give you another card to use immediately. This will also automatically cancel your lost card.

What is your payroll week?

Our payroll week is Monday through Sunday. When filling out your time slip, include hours worked in a single Monday through Sunday time period. Do not include multiple weeks on one time slip, you'll need to separate those.